Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Katelyn is the Queen of randomness, but she must get it from somewhere. For all those who yearn to know more about me.

1. I can not do simple math calculations, my students always have to check after me to be sure I write the correct answer on the board.
2. I wish it didnt take me 20 years to find something I love to do that doesnt feel like I am going to work everyday.
3. I love physics and I read the nerdiest books, I actually asked for a book that is advertised in popular science (my favorite magazine) that is about Null physics.....
4. Dub and I love to bicker and I frequently imagine how funny two 90 year olds will sound sitting on the porch bickering...:)
5. I too make someone extremely mad, but it seems to be happening more than once a year??
6. I want to be a better writer and speaker so I have been doing some of Jordans Lit assignments
7. I really enjoy all my new friends!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My little philosopher and the Love Dare

Tonight Tyler was in the shower and the following conversation took place:

Tyler: Mom can I shower with my pj's on tomorrow
Mom: No, Why? You will be wet.
Tyler: No if my pj's are wet, and my body is wet, and my bed is wet, then what does wet really mean?
Mom: speechless

What? Where did that come from? I wish I was getting a play by play of what he was thinking.

Im on day 3 of the Love Dare. Its proving quite difficult to practice patience and kindness 100 percent of the time to my husband, but I am perservering and I feel so much more loving.

Monday, October 27, 2008

World Cup here he comes!

Someone took my child and replaced him with a professional soccer player. What happened? Something must have clicked in his little mind. HAHA. Its awesome to watch him now.

A good friend is becoming a parent to a teenager tomorrow. Im so excited for her. Its going to be a whole new relationship. Its his birthday but its a celebration of the day you were blessed with a wonderful boy. Love You.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

John 3:16 and other things

Tyler is in Awanas at church. He loves it. He studies his sparks book every night before he goes to bed. Tonight we were going over the verses that he has memorized thus far. Apparently his version of John 3:16 goes something like this....." For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have NOCTURNAL life." HAHAHA. It reminds me of one other time, when he was about two. He had just learned the Hail Mary prayer. Instead of asking her to pray for us sinners, he always asked for her to pray for OUR SOONERS. I love his little mind. It soaks things up just like a sponge.

He went to the fair with his grandparents the other day. They watched the pig races. He thought this was so funny. The race announcer told this story..."He once had a pig that could run 60 miles an hour. Once this pig ran so fast that he crashed going around a corner, they called 911 and the doc came out. The diagnosis was a pulled hamstring." I laughed so hard when Tyler related this story. Not really because it was all that funny, but he thinks its a real story.

Dub is watching the Red Sox right now in extra innings. They are playing at Fenway. Its beautiful and everyone is dressed in winter attire. I miss Massachusetts.

I went to Young parents group last week. I have a mentoree. She breaks my heart. She does not have custody of her baby. She cried and told me that its just not the same. She isnt allowed to hold her baby anytime she wants. I pray that I can help her learn to be a great mother, so she can get her baby back. I dont know what I would have done if I had to be separated from my babies. Pray for me to have the wisdom she needs and she is open to learning.

I believe thats all for now. Im sleepy....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Loving babies and their mommies!

Last night I got to go to my first young parenting group. I was so excited. I brought Kate with me because she had just left volleyball. There were about 8 young parents there. Two mothers had their partners with them.

The guest speaker did not show. They were going to get CPR certified. It must be a divine intervention. Another couple came to give their testimony and talk about setting goals and ultimately achieving them. The kids were enthralled. I am sure that some have never heard that you can achieve your goals.

I held a chunky 11 week old little boy. I dont even know his name at this point but he was so alert and snuggly. It was heaven. After a little spit up and many smiles, I was satisfied for the moment.

I cant wait to share my testimony with these girls and help them grow into awesome parents and young adults.

Alas, I have to wait another week for my baby snuggles. Gives me time to pray that I will know what to say when the girls ask the hard questions.

Huge Praise to God for leading me in this direction.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Walk This Way

I spent the weekend loving a wonderful group of children. What an awesome outpouring of Gods love to those who need it so desparately.

I have been praying to God to show me how to spend some of my extra time. I have a lot of time on my hands since graduating. He led me to Vision Onward. So while setting up for Walk This Way, I wandered in upon a woman setting up for crafts. She actually works with pregnant and parenting teens. I know this is a huge problem in Bartlesville, and I had wanted to get involved. I have alot to offer since I had Jordan when I was 20. This woman runs a group for these kids. I will be a mentor. How Exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So at alter call this weekend over 50 kids came. HOW AWESOME. Tyler was one of them. He does everytime there is an alter call. Bless my little man.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Judge, a Volleyball stance, and a Walk

As you all know, I am reading The Shack. I am also reading the Faerie Queen. Neither one is an easy read. The shack, while not exactly true doctrine, does raise many questions that a person striving to live a life in Christ would or should be asking themselves. As for the Faerie Queen, I really have to concentrate to read it and comprehend what I am reading. Alas, quiet time for that is sparse. I will finish it and be able to have meaningful discussion with Jordan, but its a good thing I dont have to take the test over it.

Back to The Shack, I just finished Chapter 11, Here Come Da Judge.

" Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by he laughter of the gods" Albert Einstein

After reading this I am left asking myself, am I trusting in God, or am I trying to judge Him. When I ask Him why He lets things happen, or why He wont answer my prayers, I am really saying "God I dont like the job You are doing." Who appointed me judge and jury of my creator. In my ingorance or self centeredness I never realized I was doing this. Thankfully, my God is full of grace, and He loves me unconditionally. I know this will be a hard thing to over come, but my prayer is for trust in His plan for me.

On a lighter note, Tyler asked me, "Why is katelyn standing out there on the court like she is going to poop?"

Off to bed, long day tomorrow, Walk This Way. I am so excited for my first volunteer experience with this Ministry. When I got out of school I asked God to show me where to spend some of the time that I gained when I graduated and He led me to Vision Onward. I Ihave such a love for children, especially children in need. I also have many gifts to offer them. Cant wait to show them Gods love, when sometimes, they dont even get moms love. Pray for this event and that through this ministry the children find love and safety in His arms.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Shack

I am reading a new book called, The Shack, by William P Young. Its amazing. Life changing.

"THE SHACK is the most absorbing work of fiction I've read in many years. My wife and I laughed, cried, and repented of our own lack of faith along the way. THE SHACK will leave you craving for the presence of God." Michael W. Smith

It has made me think of so many things. One thing that comes to mind now is honesty. Are we really completely honest with each other about everything. I wonder. If we are completely honest we are opening ourselves up for hurt. Im not talking about outright lies, really, although outright lies are part of it. I really mean searching our heart and letting the ones we love into our lives. Sharing everything our sins, our loves, our hates. What would life be like if we did open ourselves up? I know that reaching out to God is a great place to start. We can open up to him without worrying about the state of our heart afterwards. He loves us unconditionally and is always showing us His enormous capacity for grace.

The author of this book shares a great insight into our faith for God. I cant wait to get back to reading......

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican National Convention Ponderings

Tonight I was determined to listen to Sarah Palin. The other day when it was announced she would be the running mate to John McCain, I thought, "Oh my, what was he thinking." Man oh man, what was I thinking.

Today I sat with my daughter and talked politics. My parents always said, politics is your personal business. Its not to talk about with people. I have discovered that they are very opinionated and the reason they did not speak of it was because it would often lead to heated arguements. I have many friends that are very open about who they want to vote for. When I ask why, they can not come up with valid arguements. Some say Obama is for change, but as I told Dub, I could be a skinny beautiful blond tomorrow morning. Actions speak louder than words. I wonder if my friends have ever really researched what the candidates stand for, how they have voted, and who they surround themselves with. My daughter has so much more knowledge concerning this election. She can actually hold an educated conversation about things.

A quote my father uses alot, "Knowledge is power, lack of knowledge is ignorance." I sincerely hope that people break from the eloquent rhetoric of politicians and seek to find the truth in what they are saying and promising. Gain the knowledege to choose the correct candidate for the future of our country for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Do not let your lack of knowledge lead you in ignorance, as the juniors learned, "Ignorance is not bliss".

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

This is my first blog in this blogspot. I have blogged on Myspace, but Im tired of using that. Modern technology gives us too many choices. I really enjoy blogging. It helps me get stuff out and get opinions on things I might not otherwise share with people. I look forward to a long and gratifying experience with my blogging.......