Monday, November 3, 2008

My little philosopher and the Love Dare

Tonight Tyler was in the shower and the following conversation took place:

Tyler: Mom can I shower with my pj's on tomorrow
Mom: No, Why? You will be wet.
Tyler: No if my pj's are wet, and my body is wet, and my bed is wet, then what does wet really mean?
Mom: speechless

What? Where did that come from? I wish I was getting a play by play of what he was thinking.

Im on day 3 of the Love Dare. Its proving quite difficult to practice patience and kindness 100 percent of the time to my husband, but I am perservering and I feel so much more loving.


Dalene said...

I hope that I get to be his teacher. He'll be a hoot to have in Rhetoric!!!

The mind of a genius at work, indeed.

Dalene said...

I think there was a spelling error in my comment!!! Who knows??? With this comment moderation, I'm going to be in a state of anxiety and panic for days to come.

Ha Ha. Everyone loves it when the English teacher makes a mistake.

I know I do.

April said...

What is the love dare??

April said...

What is the Love Dare??

Christy said...

There is a movie out by a church called fireproof. It is the same church that made Facing the Giants. They put out a book that they used in the movie called the LOve Dare. Its a 40 day study to make your marraige stronger. Its awesome

Dalene said...

The day you have been waiting for all of your life has finally arrived. You have been tagged!!!!