Sunday, October 5, 2008

John 3:16 and other things

Tyler is in Awanas at church. He loves it. He studies his sparks book every night before he goes to bed. Tonight we were going over the verses that he has memorized thus far. Apparently his version of John 3:16 goes something like this....." For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have NOCTURNAL life." HAHAHA. It reminds me of one other time, when he was about two. He had just learned the Hail Mary prayer. Instead of asking her to pray for us sinners, he always asked for her to pray for OUR SOONERS. I love his little mind. It soaks things up just like a sponge.

He went to the fair with his grandparents the other day. They watched the pig races. He thought this was so funny. The race announcer told this story..."He once had a pig that could run 60 miles an hour. Once this pig ran so fast that he crashed going around a corner, they called 911 and the doc came out. The diagnosis was a pulled hamstring." I laughed so hard when Tyler related this story. Not really because it was all that funny, but he thinks its a real story.

Dub is watching the Red Sox right now in extra innings. They are playing at Fenway. Its beautiful and everyone is dressed in winter attire. I miss Massachusetts.

I went to Young parents group last week. I have a mentoree. She breaks my heart. She does not have custody of her baby. She cried and told me that its just not the same. She isnt allowed to hold her baby anytime she wants. I pray that I can help her learn to be a great mother, so she can get her baby back. I dont know what I would have done if I had to be separated from my babies. Pray for me to have the wisdom she needs and she is open to learning.

I believe thats all for now. Im sleepy....

1 comment:

April said...

That is such an awesome thing you are doing being a mentor to those girls.
Tyler seems to be as funny as ever!
Glad YOU are missing the cold weather clothing...........I don't want to wear any of it! Hopefully the Red Sox can pull this out again.