Friday, September 26, 2008

Loving babies and their mommies!

Last night I got to go to my first young parenting group. I was so excited. I brought Kate with me because she had just left volleyball. There were about 8 young parents there. Two mothers had their partners with them.

The guest speaker did not show. They were going to get CPR certified. It must be a divine intervention. Another couple came to give their testimony and talk about setting goals and ultimately achieving them. The kids were enthralled. I am sure that some have never heard that you can achieve your goals.

I held a chunky 11 week old little boy. I dont even know his name at this point but he was so alert and snuggly. It was heaven. After a little spit up and many smiles, I was satisfied for the moment.

I cant wait to share my testimony with these girls and help them grow into awesome parents and young adults.

Alas, I have to wait another week for my baby snuggles. Gives me time to pray that I will know what to say when the girls ask the hard questions.

Huge Praise to God for leading me in this direction.

1 comment:

Dalene said...

The pig story is hilarious.

I can't imagine being separated from my babies, either. What an incredibly difficult scenario!!!

Fall Break Reading????

I'm re-reading A Farewell to Arms and My Antonia. Les Mis over Thanksgiving... I'd love it if you read one!! They're both great.