Friday, September 12, 2008

The Judge, a Volleyball stance, and a Walk

As you all know, I am reading The Shack. I am also reading the Faerie Queen. Neither one is an easy read. The shack, while not exactly true doctrine, does raise many questions that a person striving to live a life in Christ would or should be asking themselves. As for the Faerie Queen, I really have to concentrate to read it and comprehend what I am reading. Alas, quiet time for that is sparse. I will finish it and be able to have meaningful discussion with Jordan, but its a good thing I dont have to take the test over it.

Back to The Shack, I just finished Chapter 11, Here Come Da Judge.

" Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by he laughter of the gods" Albert Einstein

After reading this I am left asking myself, am I trusting in God, or am I trying to judge Him. When I ask Him why He lets things happen, or why He wont answer my prayers, I am really saying "God I dont like the job You are doing." Who appointed me judge and jury of my creator. In my ingorance or self centeredness I never realized I was doing this. Thankfully, my God is full of grace, and He loves me unconditionally. I know this will be a hard thing to over come, but my prayer is for trust in His plan for me.

On a lighter note, Tyler asked me, "Why is katelyn standing out there on the court like she is going to poop?"

Off to bed, long day tomorrow, Walk This Way. I am so excited for my first volunteer experience with this Ministry. When I got out of school I asked God to show me where to spend some of the time that I gained when I graduated and He led me to Vision Onward. I Ihave such a love for children, especially children in need. I also have many gifts to offer them. Cant wait to show them Gods love, when sometimes, they dont even get moms love. Pray for this event and that through this ministry the children find love and safety in His arms.

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