Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican National Convention Ponderings

Tonight I was determined to listen to Sarah Palin. The other day when it was announced she would be the running mate to John McCain, I thought, "Oh my, what was he thinking." Man oh man, what was I thinking.

Today I sat with my daughter and talked politics. My parents always said, politics is your personal business. Its not to talk about with people. I have discovered that they are very opinionated and the reason they did not speak of it was because it would often lead to heated arguements. I have many friends that are very open about who they want to vote for. When I ask why, they can not come up with valid arguements. Some say Obama is for change, but as I told Dub, I could be a skinny beautiful blond tomorrow morning. Actions speak louder than words. I wonder if my friends have ever really researched what the candidates stand for, how they have voted, and who they surround themselves with. My daughter has so much more knowledge concerning this election. She can actually hold an educated conversation about things.

A quote my father uses alot, "Knowledge is power, lack of knowledge is ignorance." I sincerely hope that people break from the eloquent rhetoric of politicians and seek to find the truth in what they are saying and promising. Gain the knowledege to choose the correct candidate for the future of our country for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Do not let your lack of knowledge lead you in ignorance, as the juniors learned, "Ignorance is not bliss".

1 comment:

Dalene said...

Ignorance, or the lack of education, is NOT bliss. I agree.

My husband was so jazzed about Palin's speech. I'm just excited that there seems to be a REAL race going on now, not just a one man sprint to the finish! We're living in a historic time!