Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Walk This Way

I spent the weekend loving a wonderful group of children. What an awesome outpouring of Gods love to those who need it so desparately.

I have been praying to God to show me how to spend some of my extra time. I have a lot of time on my hands since graduating. He led me to Vision Onward. So while setting up for Walk This Way, I wandered in upon a woman setting up for crafts. She actually works with pregnant and parenting teens. I know this is a huge problem in Bartlesville, and I had wanted to get involved. I have alot to offer since I had Jordan when I was 20. This woman runs a group for these kids. I will be a mentor. How Exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So at alter call this weekend over 50 kids came. HOW AWESOME. Tyler was one of them. He does everytime there is an alter call. Bless my little man.

1 comment:

Dalene said...

I'm so glad you're going to get involved in the teen pregnancy/ parenting group. I think that's such an important ministry. You're so good with young people; and God can use your experiences.